Get Clear

It all starts or started with a vision. Then we start on our path to make that vision our reality. So what happens if you didn’t define your path or if you have neglected it for years? Well, it’s time to GET CLEAR! It doesn’t matter where you are at in your entrepreneurial life these steps will help you get clarity and bring you closet to where you want to be.

With all the day to day obligations we, as entrepreneurs, have to do and are responsible for it’s easy to lose sight of why we wanted this life/business in the first place. We can get stuck in the grind.

Read these 4 words and definitions then think about your business. The answers may not come to you right away, just stick with it. It’s okay if this is hard.

Purpose: The reason you started this business and what makes it unique. This is your why!

Mission: Who are you and what do you value as a business.

Vision: What you want your business to be in the future.

Goal: A target a business wants to achieve in the short term and/or long term.

You need to be honest when defining these things for yourself and for your business!

Your answers may be different than how you think the world wants you to answer them, but in order for you to be successful on your journey you need to follow your truth. Once you have a clear purpose, mission, vision, and goals it makes you want to wake up and strive for them every day, it will remind you why you do what you do.

I encourage you to write them down or type them up, post them where you and everyone involved in your organization will see them daily and get everyone on the same page. This really is the first step in executing the life you want to live!

If you are feeling extra motivated consider these four areas for your life outside of your business. Are personal values and your entrepreneurial values in line with each other or are the conflicting?